"I'm tense and in pain"
Shiatsu is a non-invasive form of bodywork therapy based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that combines the nurturing quality of touch with the wisdom of helps reduce stress, tension, anxiety and depression by leaving you relaxed and calm.
Although a regular maintenance program of shiatsu is an excellent way to maintain wellness and improve vitality, the schedule will vary for each person. Every person is different, their lifestyle, their stress level so one person may benefit by just one visit a month, another may require more sessions on a more regular basis. Depending on the goal of the session the effects may be stimulating and invigorating or calming and sedative or both preventative and remedial. Whatever the ailment the benefits are astounding, with little to no side effects, while enjoying a calming and restorative session.
- Shiatsu can work the tension and spasms out of the muscles
- Shiatsu helps with migraines
- Shiatsu is also a non-invasive therapy that helps reduce stress, tension, anxiety and depression by leaving you relaxed andcalm.
- Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammation of the body’s tissue and attacks the linings of the joints. Shiatsu helps to limber muscles, gives muscles nutrition by improved circulation and also helps reduce muscular pain.
- Helps stimulate circulation in capillaries of the skin’s soft tissues.
- Shiatsu helps alleviating menstrual cramps.
- Shiatsu can help relieve constipation
- Shiatsu benefits the digestive system by allowing food to digest more easily and aides in waste elimination.
- Helps those who suffer from fatigue and weakness by restoring and maintaining the body’s energy.
Although a regular maintenance program of shiatsu is an excellent way to maintain wellness and improve vitality, the schedule will vary for each person. Every person is different, their lifestyle, their stress level so one person may benefit by just one visit a month, another may require more sessions on a more regular basis. Depending on the goal of the session the effects may be stimulating and invigorating or calming and sedative or both preventative and remedial. Whatever the ailment the benefits are astounding, with little to no side effects, while enjoying a calming and restorative session.
Aroma Acupoint Therapy ™
Aroma Acupoint Therapy, or AAT, is a gentle, completely safe and yet profoundly effective treatment modality that utilizes the energetic potential locked within pure essential oils. Treatment involves placing particular oils on specific acupoints or reflex zones on the body in order to trigger energetic changes in the individual that will bring her back to a state of balance. Aroma Acupoint Therapy works on the basis of mutual resonance through the systematic and intentional combination of essential oils and acupoints, resulting in a more significant clinical effect than using either of these treatment methods alone.
(From and article written by Peter Holmes and Tiffany Carole Pollard)
Aroma Acupoint Therapy, or AAT, is a gentle, completely safe and yet profoundly effective treatment modality that utilizes the energetic potential locked within pure essential oils. Treatment involves placing particular oils on specific acupoints or reflex zones on the body in order to trigger energetic changes in the individual that will bring her back to a state of balance. Aroma Acupoint Therapy works on the basis of mutual resonance through the systematic and intentional combination of essential oils and acupoints, resulting in a more significant clinical effect than using either of these treatment methods alone.
(From and article written by Peter Holmes and Tiffany Carole Pollard)
"When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself,
art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth become useless and intelligence cannot be applied.”
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Haven't completed your CE requirements for your IL Massage License? It's YOUR LAST CHANCE! The deadline for Massage Therapy License Renewals is 12/31/18!
CE Classes Taught by Sara Vanin, LMT
Location: Zen Shiatsu Chicago, Evanston, IL
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